Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Noah's World...We're Just Passing Through

Hi Everyone!!

It's Noah here. Just wanted to fill you in on what I've been up to the past few days. My Daddy and Cam left on Friday and had a very smooth trip home. I miss them terribly but love it that I can see them on the computer most afternoons. I have been keeping busy helping Aunty Pam. I helped her to plant a passionfruit plant in her garden the other night. I also helped her make bacon and egg pies for our supper and I love showing her how to play games on my Mommy's Nook.
On Saturday night, Aunty Pam and Mommy took me to my first Jazz concert down in the park (Washbourn Gardens) and then on Monday they took me to my first ever movie in a big movie theater. It was about these crazy penguins (Happy Feet 2). My favorite part was the Tweety Bird cartoon at the beginning but I also loved that I got to eat M&Ms and popcorn. Yesterday we got to go to the beach again. I could get used to this beach thing. I mean the sun was shining and the water was all the way up on the beach so Mommy and I could swim all morning. Won't all my friends be jealous when I tell them about this!!! I also have my own swimming pool in Aunty Pam's back yard. I love playing in it and have so far had to have the water cleaned 3 times because I keep dumping things like sand and dirt from the garden in it.
I have made a couple of buddies while I've been here and now think that Shan and Tani should accompany us wherever we go.
I have learned some really cool ways to say things since I've been here too. Did you know they call french fries "chips" and cookies "biscuits"? I also love to say "okie dokie", "woopsie daisy", and "oh dear". I am a little confused because Aunty Pam loves to drink hot tea but when she asks me what I want for tea, I think she means supper. Who knows? Anyway, I have to go. Mommy and Aunty Pam are going to take me to Nature Land today in Tahuna so I can see some monkeys. I love monkeys!!! Hmm...I wonder if Tani wants to come with us?

Helping Aunty Pam play games on Mommy's Nook
I love to help Aunty Pam hang out the washing.

My first movie was a big hit!!!
Planting a passionfruit in Aunty Pam's garden.
This is what January looks like at Aunty Pam's house.
Check out my new sun hat!!!
Love swimming in the ocean!!!

Helping Aunty Pam make bacon and egg pies for "tea."

1 comment:

Laura Bridges said...

Noah, you had me at bacon and egg pies! Your Grandma Gill made one once when I visited her house and it was so good! Will you make me one sometime? I know you're having so much fun on the beach, lucky guy!!