Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Second Grade

Really, is summer gone already? Today was Cam's first day of second grade. He was very excited and even reminded me when he needed to leave the house to get to the bus stop. Miss Francik is his teacher this year and Cameron already loves her. It is hard to believe he is in the second grade and even harder to believe that in a few short weeks he will be 8 years old. He has had a really busy summer switching back and forth between our house and his mom's house. He will get back into his school routine and in turn we will be back to our busy schedule. His first soccer game is this Saturday and boy scouts start up again on Monday. As much as I love the freedom of summer, it's very nice to get back into a routine.

Noah is a handful these days. He's not walking on his own yet but he has started pushing around his walking toys and seems to really enjoy it. I am wishing we had a landing strip in our back yard as he gets frustrated at trying to make his way around all the obstacles in our living room and kitchen. Mommy gets frustrated too because Noah yells every time he gets stuck. He also loves to climb things including stairs, the couch, and anything else that gets him into places he's not meant to be. I am learning quickly that taking my eyes off of him for even a few seconds is too long. Yesterday he managed to make it all the way to the top of the stairs before I figured out where he'd gone. He also dumped several of his wash cloths in the toilet yesterday when I wasn't looking. I'm glad he hasn't learned how to flush yet. He's starting to say a few words. Momma and Dadda are the most popular but occasionally he'll utter "k" like okay. He has one heck of a sense of humor and we just feel so incredibly blessed by him.

This past weekend we had a visit from the Bridges (minus Andy whom we missed dearly). We had a great time with Laura, Hannah and Abbs. We spent a day at the zoo and had a great time. This next weekend we are busy with soccer (I'm playing on a team this fall too) and Cam's back to school bash at his school. On Labor weekend we are heading to Indy for a long weekend so if you're in the area and want to see us, we'll be at Aunt Stacey and Uncle Mohamed's house.

That's all from the Rogers' homestead. I'll leave you with a few of Noah's 1 year pics that our friend Diane took last month.