Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some more Pics

My First Stroller Ride (It was way too bright outside)

Kickin it in my cute puppy outfit

Me and Daddy after my first bath

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Pictures from the Hospital

Day 14,,,Stayin' Alive


I know, I know. We're not very good at keeping the watching world updated on Baby Rogers. The truth is that we don't even know what day it is so the last thing on our mind is updating our blog. I just realized today that our little guy is already 2 weeks old. Time flies when you're not sleeping, changing multiple diapers, and feeding an infant every 2 hours. Everything is actually going really well. I am starting to feel more human also. The first 10 or 12 days were rough but in the past few days, I am starting to feel more like myself. Stuart is now back to work and I am thankful to have my Aunty Pam here helping this week. Today, we had our first official outing to OrthoIndy to meet all of my co-workers. They were all very excited to meet Noah. Tomorrow we go back to the pediatrician to get Noah weighed. We are hoping that he is at least back to his birth weight. Judging by the way he's been eating, I'd guess he is. So far he hasn't figured out that you're supposed to sleep at night but he is getting better.
Everyone else is doing just fine. We have our final court date next Wed. to determine Cameron's custody situation. It's all a very nerve wracking situation but we feel confident that God will put Cameron in the best possible situation. It's a pretty stressful time for everyone as we prepare to move in 2 weeks but with the help of all of our awesome friends and family we are hoping for a smooth transition. I don't have any new pics of Noah to add. I'll let Stuart download some when he gets a chance. That's all I've got for now. We'll keep you posted:0)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pictures of Noah Stephen

Long time, no update

Sorry it's been so long since we've posted an update, but I think that by now everyone knows why. On Wednesday, Noah Stephen Rogers decided to officially join the world. Megan started feeling pain in her lower back on Monday afternoon. Coincidentally, her aunt Pam arrived from New Zealand at 7:19 that evening. This is a trip that she has had planned for over a year, so the timing couldn't be better. On Tuesday evening, around 8:00, we headed up to the hospital. While the triage nurse was checking her out, Megan's water broke. So, needless to say, we weren't going home.

After 15 hours without progression, the doctors decided to take the baby via c-section. We were originally scheduled to go at noon, but were pushed back when they had an emergency c-section on a 28-week old. But, at 3:29 pm, Noah Stephen was officially welcomed into the world.

After a few days in the hospital and a slew of visitors, we're now home. It's a little scary to have a little baby who depends on you for everything. But, we'll figure it out. We can't wait to get all settled in and get ourselves into a routine. And, showing him off to everyone else will be a lot of fun too.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Sundays have now turned into the hardest day of the week for me. No, not because I have to work hard or do something I don't want to. It's the exact opposite. Sunday is the day that makes it hardest to accept the fact that we are moving in a month. Yes, we are sad to leave our families and my co-workers. I have said from the beginning that the hardest part of leaving is leaving our church. In the 5 years that Stuart and I have known each other, that place has been the cornerstone of our lives together. FCC is the place where we had our first date. It's the place that we centered our relationship around. It's the place where Stuart stood in front of our wonderful church family and asked me to marry him. It's the place where we've met some of our nearest and dearest friends. It's the place that has seen us through every difficult moment in our 5 years together. Custody battles, adoption, cancer, pregnancy, and now they will see us through our move away from here. It breaks my heart every Sunday when I look around and see our awesome church family and know that we are soon leaving our comfort zone and entering a new phase of our lives. I'm sure as we move away and find a new church we will forge new friendships and special relationships. However, I assure you it will never be the same. Sundays are hard. I sure am going to miss that place.

Tonight my Aunty Pam arrives from New Zealand. She had this trip planned for more than a year now. It makes me realize that God's timing is perfect because she gets to be here for the birth of her new niece or nephew. I don't think that's a coincidence. We are all very excited to have her here.

In other news...there is no other news. We are waiting and savoring the rest and relaxation before baby arrives. If Cameron was right, we'd be having a baby girl on this very day. It seems that his prediction is probably not correct. My prediction is that this little person might wait until July 22nd to arrive. That was my Grandma's birthday and everyone knows she was my favorite person in the world. I don't think that would be a coincidence either.

That's all I've got. Next Dr. appointment is on Wednesday so I'll update you then.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

While I'm Waiting...

I'm just sitting here listening to that song by John Waller in hopes that God will grant me patience. I am now done with work and waiting not so patiently for Baby Rogers to arrive. I think I have washed all the baby stuff, we've got the bags packed, the car seat is ready, and now we just need a baby. My body has made a little progress toward labor but not a lot. But, I guess the human body has a mind of its own and when it's ready it's ready.

We had a very soggy and low key 4th of July weekend. On Friday, the Rogers family invaded Rascal's Fun Zone for some family Ski Ball. Of course I have to brag that I did earn the highest score of the day. But, a good time was had by all and Cameron earned 875 tickets toward a prize. After that, it was off to Andy and Laura's for a cookout and fireworks for the kids.

On Saturday we woke up to rain and it rained on and off all day. We had the Stubbs over for make your own pizza night (always a fan favorite) and then attempted a few more fireworks since it was actually the 4th of July. Our attempts were pretty futile but both Cam and Aaron enjoyed the sparklers.

Overall, it was a good weekend. I am in my 3rd full day of being at home. I am planning on just savoring the sleep and rest because I know that will be greatly decreased once we have this baby. That's all I've got for now. We'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 3, 2009

2nd Annual Man Olympics

I know that many of you have been waiting patiently for a few days for these updates. This past weekend was the 2nd annual Man Olympics. It has been subtitled "The Pentathlon of Manliness." Indeed a good time was had by all. The event involves 5 events spanning the entire day: golf, bowling, cornhole, HORSE and poker. The big addition this year was medallions for the winners of each event.

Competitors preparing for the beginning of a long day before 8am on the putting green.

Eric Timson emerged victorious in golf. He was presented with his medallion at the bowling alley where the air conditioning provided some much needed relief from the heat.
Brian Stubbs enjoying a cool, refreshing Strohs.
Brandon Coryell accepting his championship medallion after outbowling the other 8 competitors.

AJ Bedel used the home court advantage to take down the HORSE medallion.

Brandon Coryell won his 2nd event of the Man Olympics with a magnificent performance in cornhole.

Brian Stubbs needed a short (2+ hour) rest before the poker tournament.

The competition at the poker table was fierce. Note, Brian Stubbs return to the tables.
Eric Timson with a massive chip stack, just prior to his victory in the event-capping poker tournament.

Everyone is already looking forward to next year's event where we'll continue to make it bigger and better.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

19 Days

The countdown is on!!! We are all getting very excited to meet our new little one. Hopefully this baby will come sooner rather than later. I am seeing the Dr. once a week now so the end (or beginning) is near. Many have told me to enjoy my sleep now because it will be decreased greatly when we have a baby in the house. Sleeping has not been an issue for me at all this pregnancy so hopefully I will be well rested when the day arrives. I had my fourth and final baby shower this past weekend. We have been so spoiled and we feel so blessed to have all these wonderful people in our lives that want to welcome our new baby. All of the onesies, cloth diapers, and other little items have been washed. The pack and play is assembled in our living room along with the travel system and car seat. It makes me so excited to see all of these things and know that soon they will be in use.

Tomorrow is my last day of work. It's a bittersweet feeling for me. While I am excited that I am done with work (at least for a while), I am reminded how lucky I am to have had a job and how much I am going to miss my co-workers. Of all the places I've worked, I have to say that these are the most loving, supportive, and wonderful people I have worked with. I can't tell you how much I am going to miss seeing them on a daily basis.

We haven't had much else going on. Stuart is going to update you all on the 2nd Annual Man Olympics that were held this weekend so stay tuned for that. We have no major plans for the 4th of July weekend and are planning on keeping it that way. We are just trying to keep things as low key as possible right now. There will be plenty of excitment in the weeks to come I'm sure. That's all I've got for now.