Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy Weekend

This past weekend, there was a lot going on around here. From camp outs to soccer games and Noah's dedication at church, we were busy busy busy. We were also excited that Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit. Here are a few pictures we snapped over the weekend with more to come later...

Friday, May 14, 2010

A day in the life...

So, Noah has been quite adventurous lately. He is literally into everything. Here are a few photos I've snapped over the past few days to show you what kind of trouble he tends to get himself into.

Hmm...wonder how I can get in there?

Look what I found Mom!!!

I wonder what goes on in there?

Playtime with my best bud Bailey. We're striking a pose!!!

I love love love my big brother!!!

That's pretty much what's been going on around here. I had no idea how exhausting it could be to chase around someone so small.

We have been super busy lately with Cameron's soccer season wrapping up and also baseball season beginning. Tonight, Cameron and Stuart are going to the Columbus Clippers minor league baseball game and afterwards are camping on the field with the rest of the boy scouts. Then in the morning they'll be treated to breakfast and a skills presentation put on by the Clippers players. Cameron is so excited. This weekend is also Noah's dedication at church so Grandma and Grandpa are coming out for a visit. We could not be happier they are coming!!!

Be prepared for more pictures next week and have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Man on the move

Yep, we're crawling, and pulling up and making life way more interesting for mommy and daddy. He started crawling almost 2 weeks ago and has just recently begun to pull himself up on the ottoman in the living room. He cruises a little but is still a little too wobbly to go too far. Life is much more fun for him now that he's mobile but much more hectic for mommy. We have baby proofed the house although I'm sure that he'll find ways around it. I just can't believe how quickly he has changed. He is so much fun and I just love it that I get to spend most of my day playing and watching him grow.

In other news, we are loving this sunny weather!!! Last night we spent the evening out on our back deck enjoying each other's company. We have really made an effort as of late to shut out distractions and focus on being a family. The past 2 Sundays have been media free days. This means that we have had no TV, radio, or computers. Just us spending time together, getting things done around the house, and shutting off the constant noise that tends to fill our ears. It has been very refreshing and we will continue this on most Sundays throughout the summer.

Cameron's soccer season has been up and down. They won their first few games but have hit a bit of a skid here of late. He has 3 more games and then it's on to baseball season. He has about 4 more weeks of school and he is very excited for his summer vacation.

It was 1 year ago this past weekend when Stuart and I came out to Columbus to look at houses. It's amazing that out of all the houses we looked at, this house was the only one that really stood out. I remember making the decision to make an offer on the house and how stressful it was for Stuart. I remember looking him in the eye and telling him that this was not too good to be true, that, in fact people had been praying for us and for our situation and this is where we were meant to live. One year later we could not agree more. We are so happy here in our home. We have a wonderful neighborhood and a new church family who we are getting to know and love more and more everyday. I feel as though this has become our home now. I feel so blessed.

This weekend is Mother's Day weekend. I am excited that this will be my first "official" Mother's Day. Cameron will be with his mom so Stuart and I are planning on enjoying the weekend together with Noah. Happy Mother's Day to all of the special women in my life who are moms.