Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bored at work

Tuesdays are usually the busiest afternoon of the week for me but so far that has not been the case. So, just thought I'd sit and write a few more lines in our new blog. At some point I'm going to post some pics and stuff but our evenings are full of swimming, running, and cycling right now. Speaking of cycling, I'm hoping to get my new bike tonight!!!! Yep, Stuart finally caved and said I could get a new bike as long as I pay back our account with my overtime money. So we went and test rode bikes on Sun. and today I'm going to try out one more to see how it fits me. The problem is that I'm kind of in between a small and a medium and their stock is low right now because they're getting all of their new bikes in. But, hopefully the one they've ordered in will fit the bill. I'm excited to be able to have a really nice bike to ride on. It should be a lot faster than the old baked beaner too.
Also tonight I'm having a Pampered Chef Party with my sister-in-law Stacey. Our theme is "Death by Chocolate" so we're having a white chocolate rasberry trifle with a caramel nutty brownie as well as fruit and chocolate fondue. Also Godiva ice cream sodas. I hope no one is on a diet. It could be a miserable night for them.
Today I downloaded our application for adoption. It's all very overwhelming but also very exciting. We will have to sort through a lot of paperwork before this thing gets approved but I just know that it will be worth it in the end. We're still waiting to hear back from Children's Hope and we will call tomorrow if we haven't heard anything by morning. We are both anxious to get the ball rolling on this I think. TTFN

Monday, July 28, 2008

Exciting Times

Wow, I never thought I'd get into this blogging thing but here I am. Stuart and I have decided to have a family blog due to all of the exciting things in our lives at present. What better way to share with our friends and family than to post on the web. Here are a few things that the Rogers family has in store for the next few months.
On August 13th, Cameron will be starting school. I just can't believe how much he's grown. Time has really flown since the first time I laid eyes on that little man 4 years ago. It was right before his 2nd birthday and it was love at first sight. I remember at his 2nd birthday I taught him to say "Yeah cake!!!" He still remembers it to this day and reminds me of it every time anyone says the word cake. And now he's getting ready to start school. He asks just about everyday how much longer until he can start kindergarten. It's only a few days away now and he is ecstatic. He's had a great summer so far. He took his first round of swimming lessons in early June and then followed that up with a round of ice skating lessons. While I know he tried hard at both, I don't think we have a future Wayne Gretzky or Michael Phelps on our hands. Right now his big project is learning how to ride his bike sans training wheels. It's a bit difficult for Stuart and myself to show patience at times but I know he'll eventually get it. He's planning on playing soccer again this fall and I know he's excited about that.
On August 17th, Stuart and I will be participating in our first ever triathlon. I know you're thinking that I somehow drug Stuart into this kicking and screaming. However, it was totally his idea. It's just a short tri. A 500M swim, a 12 mile cycle, and a 5K run. It's going to be run in downtown Indy so we'll be close to all the major hospitals. That's a blessing. No, seriously though it should be a good challenge for us and we've both set goals so it will be fun to see how we do.
Now for the biggest news of all. We're getting a baby!!! No, we're not pregnant. We have decided to adopt a baby from Ethiopia. I've known for a long time now that it would be difficult for me to conceive a child. I've also known for sometime that I would not pursue fertility treatment beyond a certain limit. So, in keeping that pact to myself, I broached the idea of adoption with Stuart. After discussing this, we both knew right away that God would lead us down this path. We recently attended an adoption seminar in order to educate ourselves more on what to expect. Of course we would love to adopt within the United States, however, because of our age and the fact that we already have Cameron, it would be a very difficult road to travel. Therefore, we've decided to go international and Ethiopia fits the bill. We told our agency this morning that we were all go and ready to take the next steps. She then referred us to Children's Hope International. We have contacted them and plan on getting the ball rolling within the next month. After that, it's the home study part and then all the wonderful paperwork. However, we believe we will be parents again in less than a year. It's so overwhelming but at the same time so gratifying to know that we have the opportunity to do this. Patience will be a big part of this process but I know with God's help we can do anything.
Both Stuart and I are elated but nervous. It's a big step in our lives together. In some ways I feel that God has been preparing me my whole life for this. I grew up with two amazing parents who, through adoption and foster care, taught me all about the idea of unconditional love. I just can't wait to pass on that lesson to another child.
So, enough of my rambling. How's this for a first post? We'll keep it updated so you can follow us in our journey into parenthood (again).