Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Still no computer

Hey, it's Megan, posting under Stuart's login. That's right. Still no computer that we can download our pics and videos on to update you on our life. So, I have Stuart's work computer to let you know we have, in fact, not abandoned you. As I sit here, I am watching a certain 11 week old fight sleep. As of right now, he refuses to fall asleep anywhere else but in his swing. So, I am having visions of an 18 year old child climbing into his swing at night to rock himself to sleep. Then I am reminded that he is only 11 weeks old and I shouldn't worry. At least I don't think I should. Other than the insomnia thing, Noah is doing great. He has really started to smile lately and it's awesome. He makes tons of cute noises but I just think that means he's going to be a talker like his Dad and brother.
Cameron continues to do great. He loves school and comes home with new things he has learned everyday. Next week is his fall musical and he is going to be a dog on Old McDonald's farm. Should be a good production. Can't wait to post some pictures for you all. This week also was his first official week as a Boy Scout. Stuart is going to be his Den leader so he has been busy going to training and purchasing all the fun Tiger Cub gear. They are also selling popcorn which is the Boy Scout tradition.
Stuart and I continue to adjust to life in Ohio. It's been a smooth transition but we do miss all of our Indiana friends and family. We did get to spend a long weekend in Indy just a couple of weekends ago and that was awesome. We have another long weekend coming up in October.
Alright, just wanted to let you all know that we are still here. As soon as we get our computer back, I promise some great pictures. Have a great weekend!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Coming Soon...

First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates as of late. Our computer has been down and we are hoping to have it back this week. I promise a nice long update and some pictures of our 10 week old little guy. You can expect some great pics of him taking in his first weekend of college football as well as a few others. We are all doing great. We took a long weekend this past weekend and visited our friends and family in Indy. More details later.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Good news, bad news

Good news, Megan got clearance to exercise on Friday and made it to her 30th birthday on Saturday. Bad news, she might give herself a heart attack at 30 jumping on the neighbor's trampoline.

Birthday Weekend 2009

It is Monday and we are all recovering from a busy birthday weekend. Mom, Dad, Stuart's Mom and Stacey came Friday night to help us all celebrate. We had a great weekend. Saturday we spent the first part of the day shopping and then went out to a nice dinner. Yesterday was the Transformers birthday party for Cameron's 7th birthday. It was a good time (except for the invasion of the killer bees on the patio) and Cameron had a blast. We had the slip n slide out for the kids but the most fun was had watching our neighbor's dog, Remington, enjoy the water. I think he had more fun than the kids did. We only had 5 kids over and their parents but by the time it was over, we felt as though we had about 500 kids over here. Ahh, the joys of birthday parties. So, here are some pics of the weekend for your viewing enjoyment.

Noah is over this party!!!

The Transformers Cake

The Birthday King and his court

The kids on the slip n slide

For Cameron's Birthday we let him poop scoop the yard. What a great gift!!!

Aunt Stacey and Noah

The boys all ready for church

Noah wants to know "Were you this cute?" His Mommy doubts it:0)

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Big 3-0


30 doesn't really phase me. I mean I can't believe another year has gone by and I can't believe how different this birthday is from the last birthday. I mean reading back on our blog to this time last year, it is hard for me to believe all the ups and downs that my 29th year brought. This time last year, we were preparing our dossier for the adoption process, living in Greenwood, had the same custody arrangement with Cameron, and had never experienced the terror that cancer can bring. Flash forward to my 30th year. I just moved into an awesome house in another state with my newborn baby boy, Cameron (who is with us full time), and my husband who had a scare with cancer earlier in the year. What a 29th year it has been, full of emotions ranging from excitement and joy to fright and anxiety. My hope is that next year when I blog on my 31st birthday, my life will not have changed nearly as much. I am thankful, however, that I have another year to celebrate and I can drink in all the change, both good and bad, that another year will inevitably bring. We'll post pics of the weekend's festivities soon. Have a great holiday weekend. It's destined to be a busy one here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back Online

Hello!!! We are back online here in good ol' Lewis Center, Ohio. So far things have gone well. Our house is pretty much unpacked and we just have a few odds and ends and small household projects that we want to do. Everyone seems to be adjusting and I am working on finding my way around this place. Thank goodness for the new GPS that my loving husband gave me as an early birthday present this year.
Cameron is doing great. He has had no trouble adjusting to his new surroundings. He has made some great friends in our neighborhood already. He loves his new school and has proclaimed that "first grade is way awesomer than kindergarten." When he arrives home from school we usually see him for dinner and that's about it. He's too busy playing outside. It's so good to see him interacting with the other kids. That's something he didn't have in our old neighborhood. Last night Stuart took him to his first ever cub scout meeting. Of course, I believe that my husband is going to be roped into becoming the den leader. But, I think it's a great thing for both of them.
Noah continues to grow and change. He's starting to show his little personality and is smiling a bit more. He is eating well and growing like a weed. He's already out of his newborn clothes and has moved into some of his 3-6 month clothes. Now the biggest challenge is going to be figuring out a sleep schedule. He has not yet moved into his crib as he is still sleeping in his pack and play in our bedroom. I think that this weekend might be the time we move him into his crib. He usually goes down to bed alright but then wakes in the middle of the night and doesn't want to go back to bed. So, any of you that have advice for us on getting this kid to sleep better, please share.
I am still adjusting to being a stay-at-home. I am starting to figure out Noah's likes and dislikes and how best to use my time while he's napping/content. I love it that Stuart's office is only 5 minutes away and he is home well before 5 on most evenings. It makes our time together in the evenings seem so much longer.
This weekend is Cameron's 7th birthday and my 30th. Yes, that's right the big 3-0. No big plans to celebrate. Just a nice weekend with the family, my Mom and Dad and Aunt Stacey. Cam either wants a Star Wars party or a Transformers party. I'm okay with either, I just want good cake:0) We'll get some new pics posted ASAP.