Thursday, February 5, 2009

Brown or White?

So, here's a little something to make you laugh today. Last night, we were sitting around the dinner table talking about the impending arrival of Baby R. We told Cameron that in another 4 weeks, we get to go see a picture of the baby on a tv. I thought it would be kind of fun if Cameron went with us to see the ultrasound. So, when asked if he wanted to come with us he replies "I don't care if the baby is brown or white as long as I have someone to play with." Oh, if we only knew how his little brain functioned.

1 comment:

Laura Bridges said...

Remember, he wants to bring that 'brown or white' baby to our house the day after he/she gets home from the hospital because it will be summer and we can all go fishing!! I can't wait to babysit but we're gonna have to convince Cam that we'll have to wait just a bit :-)