Wednesday, January 20, 2010

6 Months Old

Last week, Noah turned 6 months old. To commemorate the occasion, Mom and Dad decided it was time to institute new sleeping rules. From now on, bedtime is at 7:00 pm and there is to be at least 2 naps a day in the crib. Well, bedtime is going well, naptime not so much. He tends to be a fighter when it comes to naptime but we're working on it. Mom is bound and determined she is going to win this battle. It's exhausting for both of us, but will pay off in the end. As I type this, he is screaming loudly from his crib in protest of naptime but I will not cave.

Yesterday was his 6 month checkup. He is weighing in at a whopping 15lbs. 8 oz. and is 25 inches long. He ranks around the 15th and 20th percentiles for both. Stuart and I both think it's hilarious that we produced a child that is below average on the weight side of things. Oh, God does have a sense of humor.

Noah is mostly sitting up on his own now and prefers to do everything that way. He has even fallen asleep sitting up a couple of times. It's pretty funny. Another fun thing that Noah gets to do now that he's 6 months old is eat food. So far we have tried bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes. He seems to have enjoyed all of them. He is really coming into his personality and we've found that he likes things best when he thinks he's in control (thus the protesting of naptime). He eats the best when he gets to hold the spoon. Yesterday I finally gave him his own spoon and that seemed to work out pretty well.

In other news, Cameron continues to be enthusiastic about life in general. He is all signed up to play soccer in the spring (his idea, not ours). He said he would also like to give baseball a try.

The Rogers family has also found a church that we feel is the best fit for us right now. It had been recommended to us by several people from our old church in Franklin. We tried it out when we first moved here but decided to shop around a bit before we decided. Stuart and I discussed it over our Christmas vacation and we both agreed that Alum Creek Church of Christ was the place we had felt most comfortable. Hooray for that!!!

This weekend, Stuart has a Boy Scout Leader function to go to so it will just be me and the boys hanging out. We'll for sure be cheering on our Indianapolis Colts on Sunday as they are playing for a chance to go to the Super Bowl. Go Horse!!!

That's it from our end of the world. Have a great week!!!

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