Yep, we're once again in a holding pattern. At this point, our homestudy is complete and is being reviewed by FTIA. We are now waiting for our official application to arrive in Evansville so they can process it and give us all the information we're going to need to compile our dossier. From looking at their website, it doesn't look like we're going to need to change a lot. We have all the important documents collected and we'll probably just need to make a few minor changes to some of our others. We also have to send in to get our CIS application amended to our new agency. That is kind of a pain but it will get done in due time. I am waiting for a phone call from CIS so they can instruct me on how to go about getting that done. Our hope is still to be on the waiting list by Christmas. It all depends upon how quickly we get our CIS approval. Now, I am unsure of what the wait time is for this agency. Their Ethiopia program is fairly new (only a couple of months old) so my gut is telling me it won't be a long wait. Keep your fingers crossed.
In other news, Cameron's soccer is officially over. They tied their last game 4-4 on Saturday. Of course, I blame it on the coaching since we were in absentia but at least it wasn't a loss!! Stuart and I are playing our last soccer game tonight. At least we're assuming it's our last soccer game. It's the playoffs and since we're 0-7 on the season, I'm not expecting us to be pulling off any miracles tonight. Especially since we're without our fearless goalkeeper Erika who was the victim of mile 25 at the Hilly this weekend.
Cameron is on fall break for the next two days. Stuart had his first scheduled conference with Cameron's teacher on Tuesday. She informed Stuart that Cameron tends to talk a lot. I know that you can't imagine that, and it was hard for us to come to grips with that statement but it's true. Other than that he's doing very well with all of his "kindergarten" skills. Apparently they do a couple of letter and number recognition tests where the passing score is 8. Cameron scored 32 on one and 37 on the other. Hate to brag but my kid is smart. Thank goodness he got his father's brains. Heading into this weekend, we don't have a lot of plans. I'm looking forward to spending time as a family.
“I believe most people are good..”
1 year ago
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