Thursday, February 18, 2010

Too Much Snow!!!

This past weekend, we were treated to another winter storm. Compared to what they are getting on the East Coast, our snowfall seems minor. However, I think this is easily the most snow I've ever seen on the ground. We are all ready for spring. Here are a few pictures of the boys in the snow.

I guess there's no better time to be snowed in than when the Winter Olympics are on. I seriously have been so unmotivated to do anything but plop in front of the television and watch. We have all found it a bit humorous that the weather in the midwest is colder than it is in Vancouver for the games right now.

In other news, last Friday we got to attend Cameron's Valentine's Day party at school. When we were kids, Valentine's parties were strictly for the kids. The only adults present were the teacher and the room mother. Not in the present day. Now, every party that is put on at school is a public event where the parents can come and celebrate with the kids. When we were kids, all parties were a sugar laden event with cupcakes, candy and enough sugary fruit juice to send even the most calm child into a crazy hyperactive state. In the present day, kids are given 1 plate of treats that involves fruit, popcorn, and a cookie. My how things have changed. We did enjoy watching the kids make their Valentine crafts and play Valentine bingo. The highlight of Cameron's day was that he got to show off "his baby" to everyone in his class including parents, teachers and substitutes. It's so nice to know that Cameron is so proud of Noah.

This weekend Cameron will be at his mom's again. I have a full day on Saturday of catching up on house work before the Olympics begin broadcasting in the afternoon. Then on Saturday night, Stuart and I are actually going to leave this house without a child. We are only going to our neighbor's for game night but it's the first time we've been out of this house without Noah. I am very excited. On Sunday, Cameron receives his bobcat badge at the annual blue and gold dinner for Cub Scouts. Stay tuned for pictures of the big occasion. Hope everyone has successfully dug themselves out of the snow. Have a great weekend!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Funny Noah

Yesterday Noah and I were having fun with the webcam on our laptop. Here are a few fun videos we managed to shoot. In the giggle video, you can hear how much Noah loves Cam's silliness. In the other video, you can see Noah's new trick. Yep, that's right, he can dance. Enjoy.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!!! It was 5 years ago tomorrow that Stuart very nervously dropped to his knee in front of our entire congregation at FCC and asked me to marry him. Best decision I've ever made. Love you husband!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some pictures to brighten your day

Well, it's a sad day in the Rogers household. Our beloved Colts did not reign victorious after last night's Super Bowl. However, we had a great season and the future looks bright. Noah and I definitely spent the morning in bed trying to recover from the disappointment of it all. As promised, here are some pictures of what we've been up to.

As you can see, Cam has been a busy boy with his Pinewood Derby and also all the snow that we've had. We got about a foot of snow this weekend and are expecting up to another 6 inches in the next few days. Noah doesn't care much about the snow. His favorite time of day right now is dinner time. He has decided prunes are his favorite food right now. That's all I've got for now. Hopefully we'll dig out from all this snow at some point!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snowed In

Everyone say your prayers. This weekend we are snowed in with a very chatty 7 year old. Thank goodness we have a lot to do around the house and it is also Super Bowl weekend. Hopefully we will be able to keep busy and no one will go stir crazy.

One week ago today, I surrendered both dogs to the Humane Society of Columbus. It was a very sad occasion but not without comic relief provided by my favorite fat dog Roscoe. Because of Stuart's work schedule, he was unable to take the dogs on Friday when we had planned. So, I loaded up Noah and the two dogs and drove the 20 minutes to the west side of Columbus. We were just about to pull onto the interstate when Roscoe decided that the most comfortable seat in the car was on Noah's lap in his car seat. I, like a crazy woman, pulled off the side of the road and was screaming "get off the baby." It was very comical. The actual turning over of the dogs was sad and the dogs did not make it easy as they very obviously knew something was up and had separation anxiety the second we pulled up to the Humane Society. I certainly didn't do it with dry eyes. We really miss them but we know it was the best decision for our family. I am enjoying a more peaceful household with much less dog hair. Our house is also staying a lot warmer because we're not constantly opening and shutting the back door for potty breaks. Now we just pray that they find good homes.

Noah has decided this week that maybe his crib isn't such a bad place for naps. He usually has a couple naps during the day in his crib and the others either on me or in my bed. I'm not complaining because he's doing so much better with it now than even a week ago. Bedtime is also much easier now. He usually goes down now without much of a fight and has slept for 11 hours straight 2 times in the past week. I am one happy mommy!!!

Today it started snowing around 11 a.m. and it has been snowing pretty hard since then. We think we've accumulated about 8 inches and they're saying we might have 14 by the time it's all over. AWESOME. It's great packing snow too so there might be a snowman or two in our front yard tomorrow. Because of the weather, Cameron didn't have to travel to his Mom's this weekend. Therefore, everyone will be home all day on Sunday for the most important Sunday of the year: SUPER BOWL. GO COLTS!!!

That's all I've got for now. I'll post a few new pics over the weekend.