Sunday, August 30, 2009

Long awaited pictures

Aunt Stacey's first visit to our new house.

The night before Cameron's first day of school. He wanted to pack his own lunch.

All ready to head out to meet the bus for the first time at our new house.

Noah is getting so big.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We haven't forgotten

We haven't forgotten about updating the blog, we just haven't been able to for the past week and a half. I'll try to give you the 30,000 feet version of how we're doing and then I'll let Megan fill in the details and add some picks later. We still don't have internet, so right now I'm using our neighbor's. We have great neighbors and couldn't ask for a more helpful or welcoming group to move into.

We're starting to finally get settled in. We have most of the boxes unpacked and the house is starting to actually resemble a home. Having a basement is really going to help with the clutter.

As for the most important part of the family, the dogs love the new back yard. They have lots of room to run around and play. They also have 2 dogs on one side of us and another on the other side that love to come into our back yard to play.

Cameron is adjusting really well to being in Ohio. He's made friends with nearly every kid on the cul-de-sac. The neighbors on one side of us have a pool and the neighbors on the other side have a trampoline. It's like living in kid paradise. Today was his first day of first grade. He had a great time and I think he's really going to like first grade. His teacher is really nice and he's looking forward to all of the extras like music, art, gym and computer class. Apparently, he got two recesses today. It's the third time since we moved that he declared it the happiest day of his life.

Noah is growing like a weed. He's so cute. He's getting little fat rolls on his legs and arms and even has a double chin. He's starting to sleep a bit longer at night, which is helping Megan's sanity. He's been a lot of fun lately to sit and talk with because he's starting to respond more to stimulation. He's also a very active boy. It constantly looks like he's trying to run in place or do imaginary pull-ups. In 3 weeks, he has his 2 month appointment and I can't wait to see how much he weighs. He's already wearing some of his 3-6 month clothes.

Megan and I are doing alright. She has watched about every movie we own because we don't have cable or internet yet. But, that will be installed tomorrow, so the blog updates, emails and Facebook stuff should be updated a bit more frequently.

Hope everyone is doing well. We miss everyone tremendously.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

God is Good

All the time. Yesterday afternoon the judge ruled in our favor in Cam's custody case. Needless to say, we are excited, relieved, and ready to move forward with 2009. What a year it's been so far. We have been living with this constant weight on our shoulders for many months now. We feel so blessed that on Sunday evening, we will be able to travel out to Columbus as a COMPLETE family. Thank you all for your love and prayers. I am down in Washington for a few days with Noah. On Sunday we will travel back to Greenwood to meet up with Stuart and Cameron for church and then move on to our new place in Ohio. We'll update you once we are there and settled.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Packing on the pounds

Noah weighs a little more than 8 pounds now. Hooray!! He and I have the opposite problem, I want the scale to continuously go down and Noah needs the scale to continuously go up. I told him to enjoy it while he can because when he gets older it's no longer acceptable to gain weight every week. He seems to be doing really well. He's starting to settle into a sleeping pattern and last night he even slept for a 4 hour stretch. Awesome.

Yesterday I had lunch with some friends from Franklin College. One of the girls has a little guy who is just 2 weeks older than Noah. Let's just say that Noah looks like a midget compared to him. Check out this picture.

This Tuesday the final decision will be made on Cameron's custody situation. Stuart and I are both nervous but ultimately we know that it's all in God's hands and a part of his plan for us. On Thursday the movers come to pack up our house and take everything to our new house in Columbus. We have been dreading this day since it was confirmed that we were really going to move. We hate it that we have to move away from our family and friends but we are thankful that Stuart still has a job. Hopefully we will make it back this way sooner rather than later.

We'll update you on everything after our court date on Tue.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Kiss anyone?

This is one of my favorite faces that Noah makes. He's doing great. As of Thursday he only had one ounce to make up until he is back at his birth weight. We'll take him again and get him weighed next week to make sure we're still on track. The past few nights he's slept for almost 2 hour stretches in his pack and play. We're getting there!!!